Poetry Analysis
6. What is the overall theme/ message/ topic of the poem? What is the author trying to say? Support your opinion. (3p)
The author wrote this poem because her two brothers died earlier that year .The author is trying to say that you have to live your life how you want to live it , because you will never know when is your due date. Live your life to the fullest and if you don't you will never be happy.
I personally agree with the author . If you live your life doing what everyone else and the public tells you , you will never be truly happy . If you want to dance naked at 2am in your kitchen or sing karaoke even if you can’t sing , you just do it, because it is your life and you live only once.
Also author is yelling about our quick fix society, we are lost genaration. This line makes me feel depressed ''Not caring who gets hurt ,Just to fulfill your selfish needs.'' Instead of finding our genuine happiness by doing the things we love, we are causing others to feel badly about themselves and their lives by producing false and inauthentic images, by running after fame and money in the hopes to sell the idea that we are the best. We are losing touch with humanity.
Darba pievienots gan dzejolis, gan tā analīze. Tiek analizēta dzejas būtība, dzejoļa nosaukuma doma,poētismi un to nozīme. Aprakstīts, kāpēc izvēlēties tieši šo dzejoli, kur notiek dzejas notikumi, ko autors ir vēlējies pateikt, ko izprot lasītājs. 2. Reasons for choosing this poem /lyrics I chose this poem because it is about real life , about real life situations that occur to everyone . The question “why do I live? “ and “why am I put on this Earth?” has come through everyone's minds and whole life we seek the answer . 6.How does the poem speak to you personally? Do you see any parallels with your life / experiences/ views? This poem is really motivating. Also helped understand that we are only here for a brief time and we need to take chances that life gives us and live this life with joy. The message I got is - Be thankful for every new day.