Publicēts: 18.04.2008.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 34 vienības
Atsauces: Nav
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 1.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 2.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 3.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 4.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 5.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 6.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 7.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 8.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 9.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 10.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 11.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 12.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 13.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 14.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 15.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 16.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 17.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 18.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 19.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 20.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 21.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 22.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 23.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 24.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 25.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 26.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 27.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 28.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 29.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 30.
  • Referāts 'Competitive Marketing Strategy', 31.
Nr. Sadaļas nosaukums  Lpp.
  The assignment    3
  List of references    21
  Bibliography    22
  The Appendix    25
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

The competitive marketing strategy should be concerned with the managing of the internal market. Contemporary business environment is becoming increasingly competitive therefore companies should engage employees with the brand they represent in order to strategic marketing aims to be achieved. This assignment shall be defining the marketing strategy and competitive marketing strategy, looking into brands and company brands as well as describing managers’ importance. Authors will propose the use of human resource aspects such as total reward systems and a good working psychological contract in conjunction with internal marketing aspects as training and communication in order to positively engage employees within the brand they represent.
Firstly in order to explain the argument it is felt that competitive marketing strategy should be defined. …

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