My Favourite Part of Town Is Berlin
With the "Berlin-Blockade" in 1948, the city became object of the Soviet-American conflict; Americans and British supplied the three West sectors via "Luftbrücke" with "Candy Bombers". In East and West Berlin the reconstruction began. The construction of the Berlin Wall on Aug 13, 1961 set
the seal on the city's division and separated its people.
The city celebrated on Nov 9, 1989 when the Berlin Wall was torn down. After the reunification in 1990 Berlin became residence of the Federal Government, which held its first plenary session in the redesigned Reichstag on Apr 19, 1999. The Reichstag with its new glass dome became an attraction for both Berliners and tourists from all over the world. The new millennium was celebrated with a magnificent party at the Brandenburger Tor. A lot has changed in Berlin since then. And Berlin will keep changing.
Berlin the capital of Germany is dynamic, cosmopolitan and creative, allowing for every kind of lifestyle. East meets West in the metropolis at the heart of a changing Europe. Germany's largest city is a city of opportunities just waiting to be seized in all areas, like entertainment, recreation, economy, science and academic life. Compared to other European cities, Berlin with its less than 800 years is considered a rather young city, but its history is unique. The two founding towns Cölln and Berlin affiliated in 1307 for a union. After riots, elector Friedrich II. declared the twin town his residence in 1451. 1701, after elector Friedrich III had coronated himself as king Friedrich I in Prussia, Berlin rose to a Royal Capital and Residence Town. Numerous well-known buildings were designed then, his grandson Friedrich II (1740–1786) continued with the architectural redesign of the city, assisted by the famous architect Knobelsdorff. 1806–08 Napoleon's troups occupied the city; after the victory of Leipzig the Quadriga, which was annexed by Napoleon, was returned to the Brandenburg Gate in 1814.