Clotting Blood Disorders
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
General description | 3 | |
1. | Hemophilia | 6 |
2. | History of hemophilia | 10 |
2.1. | The first recognition of hemophilia and hemophilia as “The Royal Disease” | 10 |
2.2. | Hemophilia in the 20th century | 11 |
3. | Hemophilia in Latvia | 13 |
Bibliography | 14 |
There are many disorders what are concerned with deficit of one of clotting factors in human blood. Human blood contains many clotting factors, and lack one of these factors affects hole clotting system and put person’s health in real danger.
One of a very rare inherited disorder deficiency of Factor I (or fibrinogen), with complications that vary with the severity of the disorder. It is not well known, even among health professionals. Else one disease which is known more is Von Willebrant. This is the most common bleeding disorder that people have, but not so sever like classical example of clotting blood disorders – hemophilia.
How does blood clot normally?
Blood is carried throughout the body within a network of blood vessels. When tissues are injured, damage to a blood vessel may result in leakage of blood through holes in the vessel wall. The vessels can break near the surface, as in a cut. Or they can break deep inside the body, making a bruise or an internal hemorrhage.
Platelets are small cells circulating in the blood. Each platelet is less than 1/10,000 of a centimetre in diameter. There are 150 to 400 billion platelets in a normal litre of blood. The platelets play an important role in stopping bleeding and beginning the repair of injured blood vessels.
When a blood vessel is damaged, there are four stages in the normal formation of a clot. …
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