Positive Experiences in Daugavpils Psycho-Neurological Hospital
Eseja3 Anatomija, veselība, medicīna, higiēna, Ētika, Tiesības
The patient is not discharged from the hospital anstantly. Usually,after a month in hospital the patient is being let home for a week,after which he/she must see the doctor. So it goes on for 2-4 weeks. This periodi s nicknamed „the vacation” by the patients.
The adaptation to the normal enviroment is usually accompanied by depressive states, therefore it is very good to have the doctor’s supervision during this period.
This is a description of the „DPNS” hospital from the viewpoint of a patient. The article describes the activities of one of the largest hospitals in Latvia.
The article was written as a reaction to Latvian Health Ministry’s informative report about the increasing numbers of patients with psychical illnesses since year 2007.
The numbers have increased dramatically in the years 2009-2010.
Latvia has the third highest suicide rate per 100 000 amongst the countries of EU.
Althought the Health Ministry mentions the lack of state provides medicaments as one of the causes for increasing numbers of patients,”DPNS” is visited by elderly more frequently for the availability of state provided medicine(ultrasonography,x-ray scanning,therapeuticist,EEG,etc.)
Thetreatment is free of charge which is important to most people in east region of Latvia.
Positive experiences in Daugavpils Psycho-Neurological Hospital (years 2002-2012) Daugavpils is the second largest city in Latvia,with a population of over 100 000. Latvia joined EU in year 2004. This step helped us receive the necessary EU finansing,the company „DPNS” (Daugavpils Psycho-Neurological Hospital) has also improved its infrastructure in 2012. Patients have the opportunity to be in their wards alone, by twos, or, at most, by nines,whilst in the beginning of reconstruction (2002-2006) there were up to 16 patients in one ward. There are seperate showers and WCs in manu wards. The company „DPNS” does not practice placing its patients in a solitary isolator with soft walls or using long sleeve shirts,it is a myth preserved because of lack of mass information campaigns. A patient spends 45 days on average in the hospital. In the beginning of recovery course patient finds in ward or in an isolator ward, i.e.,in a ward not different from the rest, with several beds.