Publicēts: 14.09.2020.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Eseja 'Could the Holocaust Have Been Prevented?', 1.
  • Eseja 'Could the Holocaust Have Been Prevented?', 2.
  • Eseja 'Could the Holocaust Have Been Prevented?', 3.
  • Eseja 'Could the Holocaust Have Been Prevented?', 4.
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As the war against the Jews progressed, however, the Nazi's turned to large scale centralized killing operations. Jews from all over Europe were loaded into trains and shipped to death camps, among them, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor.
Soldiers who could have been defending their country were instead sent to round up and guard Jewish civilians. After several years of war, Hitler knew he could not defeat America and the other Allies, but he was determined to win at least one victory by wiping out the Jews.
The United States and other world powers were too focused on the war to maintain their pride. While in Germany Hitler was trying to wipe an entire race off the face of the Earth. If these other nations of the world were not so ignorant, the lives of six million people could have been saved. Hitler and his Nazi Party treated the Jewish people so inhumanely. He and his party felt that the Jews were biologically different, when in fact they were and are not. Every human being is equal and should be treated equally. As I stated before, there is only one thing and one thing only that caused this horrid event called the Holocaust, ignorance. Not just ignorance of the United States and the other world powers, but the ignorance of Hitler and his Nazi Party as well. Had the U.S. and other nations offered aid to the Jewish refugees, and opened their doors to these refugees, they would have saved many lives. Instead, they were just as guilty as the Nazi's by helping in the destruction of an entire race. The greatest tragedy in history could have been prevented had the civilized world spoken up.
