  • We Can Usually Learn Much More from People Whose Views We Share than from People Whose Views Contradict Our Own; Disagreement Can Cause Stress and Inhibit Learning


    Eseja1 Socioloģija

Publicēts: 22.10.2002.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Eseja 'We Can Usually Learn Much More from People Whose Views We Share than from People', 1.
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The edifices of thought are built not solely on the millions of facts we have inside our head but also on the ideas and knowledge of other people. The thinking process progresses not merely by absorbing facts and pondering over them. It also involves being exposed to the thoughts of others and trying to find a rationale in their views.
While sharing ideas with those who have similar opinions can be immensely satisfying, much can be learned by exposure to divergent views. Differences in thought often lead to new ways of interpretation of facts, experimentation and innovation.

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