Publicēts: 01.09.2015.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 1 vienības
Atsauces: Nav
  • Paraugs 'Paraphrasing. "Developing Essential Study Skills"', 1.
  • Paraugs 'Paraphrasing. "Developing Essential Study Skills"', 2.
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The dynamics of the group are sometimes not considered important although it can be one of the main reasons for unproductive work in the group. ‘It is important, therefore, for students to learn to be sensitive to the aspects of group process […]’ (Payne E. & Whittaker L., 2000:58).
The authors clarify an important fact that
Leadership struggles, conflict, competition, participation, cooperation and group atmosphere are all factors that affect the group’s ability to perform. […] Students who have an understanding of what happens when people meet in groups increase their influence in any groups in which they are members. (2000: 60)
In conclusion, it can be said that in order to be an effective member of the group, one has to understand the main goals of the group and its members. Based on the authors, the effectiveness of the group only rises if each of the members can contribute to a common goal and have knowledge of their group mate’s skills and disadvantages.

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