Publicēts: 25.05.2003.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Eseja 'Confederate Flag in South Carolina', 1.
  • Eseja 'Confederate Flag in South Carolina', 2.
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

In the recent years there has been a widespread controversy about South Carolina and the Confederate Flag. The issue is about the Confederate Flag flying in state capital of South Carolina and there is great controversy whether the Flag should be removed from flying over the statehouse. I believe that the Confederate Flag symbolizes the culture, heritage and bravery of the South, it symbolizes the true spirit of America and the state has every right to use it. Being a member of "The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) a 107-years old organization, I believe that the Confederate Flag represents Southern tradition and heritage and has nothing to do with racism and slavery. The state of South Carolina has a right to protect its heritage and history, in the several Southern states flew the Confederate battle flag along with the U.S. and state flags over their state houses. …
