Specialist of Public Relations in Executive Board of Vidzemes Suburb - its Responsibilities and Activities
A public relations specialist is an image shaper. Their job is to generate positive publicity for their client and enhance their reputation. The client can be a company, an individual or a government. In the government PR people are called press secretaries. They keep the public informed about the activity of government agencies, explain policy, and manage political campaigns. Public relations people working for a company may handle consumer relations, or the relationship between parts of the company such as the managers and employees, or different branch offices. There is an old saying about PR that 'Advertisers lie about the product. Public relations people lie about the company.' Regardless, the successful PR person must be a good communicator-in print, in person and on the phone. They cultivate and maintain contacts with journalists, set up speaking engagements, write Executive speeches and annual reports, respond to inquiries and speak directly to the press on behalf of their client.…
Referāts par sabiedrisko attiecību speciālista darba uzdevumiem, pienākumiem un veikumiem izpilddirekcijā! A public relations specialist is an image shaper. Their job is to generate positive publicity for their client and enhance their reputation. The client can be a company, an individual or a government. In the government PR people are called press secretaries. They keep the public informed about the activity of government agencies, explain policy, and manage political campaigns. Public relations people working for a company may handle consumer relations, or the relationship between parts of the company such as the managers and employees, or different branch offices. There is an old saying about PR that 'Advertisers lie about the product. Public relations people lie about the company.' Regardless, the successful PR person must be a good communicator-in print, in person and on the phone. They cultivate and maintain contacts with journalists, set up speaking engagements, write Executive speeches and annual reports, respond to inquiries and speak directly to the press on behalf of their client. They must keep lines of communication open between the many groups affected by a company's product and policies: consumers, shareholders, employees, and the managing body. Public relations people also write press releases and may be involved in producing sales or marketing material. In further details I will describe a job responsibilities and actions of specialist of public relations in Executive Board of Vidzemes Suburb.