Temporal Deixis uin Car Advertisements
2011. - 2015. g.
2016. - 2020. g.
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
1.1. | Deixis | 8 |
1.1.1. | Temporal deixis | 11 |
1.2. | Advertising | 12 |
1.2.1. | Deixis in advertising | 14 |
2. | PRACTICAL PART | 16 |
2.1. | Results of research | 16 |
2.2. | Analysis overview | 21 |
THESES | 23 | |
Having accomplished the concluding analysis part of the research, the aim of this research has been achieved according to the enabling objectives stated in the introduction.
Following conclusions based on the research questions were made:
1. Car advertisements employ both previously mentioned types of temporal deixis, namely: the basic deictic markers and deictic phrases, which are the most common type, and the tense deixis, which uses the tense of verbs to imply the time that is being spoken about.
2. The effects of temporal deixis in car advertisements are mainly the creation of the feeling of an urgency to conform with an existing trend or the feeling of privilege due to being an owner of a very technologically advanced automobile.
3. The most frequently used deictics are the ones concerned with the moment of the utterance (now, today, this year, this week, present tense), as they describe the ongoing trends of the time of utterance.
An additional conclusion regarding further research was made during the study, as the time frame of the assembled samples was quite wide. Therefore there exists a potential for studying the difference in the use of deixis in car advertisements depending on the decade when they were published, as language changes constantly.
The topic of deixis is vast and additional research can be made to study more intricate nuances of its use in car advertisements.
Deixis in advertising reflects the importance of pragmatics and discourse analysis, as it is often necessary to interpret deictic expressions depending on its contextual background to gain true understanding of the entire message. This is not only important for researchers but also for those who encounter advertisements on a daily basis, as analytical language skills raise the overall understanding of the language we use every day. The study examines the use of temporal deixis in car advertisements.