Publicēts: 01.03.2023.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 2 vienības
Atsauces: Ir
Laikposms: 2016. - 2020. g.
2021. - 2025. g.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 1.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 2.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 3.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 4.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 5.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 6.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 7.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 8.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 9.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 10.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 11.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 12.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 13.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 14.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 15.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 16.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 17.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 18.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 19.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 20.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 21.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 22.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 23.
  • Eseja 'Chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion case', 24.
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

1. Mary aged 81 have recurring chest infection, dehydration and associated confusion. She is isolated in a single room in hospital. The most important way to prevent the spread of infection is hand washing. Hand hygiene is most effective method of reducing the spread of micro-organisms. (Condell, 2019, p33) Keep Mary isolated in a single room while she is on antibiotics and fluids or while doctor didn't say that she can go out from room. Carer Ann need to wash hers hands and need to worn disposable gloves when entering room and touch the patient, because Mary is on IV antibiotics and fluids and if she touches catheter, she needs to be free from bacteria to prevent the spread of infection.…
