First Exercise (Word)
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
First exercise (Word) | 1 | |
Styles, TOC, references etc. | 1 | |
1. | Using styles | 4 |
1.1. | Heading Styles | 5 |
1.1. | Heading Styles | 5 |
1.1.1. | Redefine an existing style | 5 |
1.1.2. | Create a new style | 7 |
2. | Document templates | 8 |
1.2. | Change the default settings in Normal.dot | 8 |
1.2. | Change the default settings in Normal.dot | 8 |
1.3. | Create a new template | 9 |
1.3. | Create a new template | 9 |
1.4. | Organising your styles | 9 |
1.4. | Organising your styles | 9 |
3. | Outline Numbering | 11 |
References | 13 | |
References | 13 |
Using styles
Often when someone alters the style of the text they are using, all they do is [ ] change the font style, size, colour etc using the toolbars. The text is all styled with a Normal style and altered to fit.
This document only uses the Normal style and so far nothing has been restyled.
When you are producing longer documents, or several documents you want styled in the same way, it is much better to use the style options that are available to you in Word [ ].
Click on the drop down box on the left of the style box on the formatting tool bar to see the standard options available. If the style box is not displayed as one of the recently used toolbar buttons, select Tools/Customize/Options and remove the tick next to Standard and Formatting toolbars share one row for the purpose of this exercise.
Lietojumprogrammaturas pirmais ieskaites darbs.RTU.2005