Publicēts: 04.01.2018.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Pamatskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Prezentācija 'Various Inventors and Their Inventions', 1.
  • Prezentācija 'Various Inventors and Their Inventions', 2.
  • Prezentācija 'Various Inventors and Their Inventions', 3.
  • Prezentācija 'Various Inventors and Their Inventions', 4.
  • Prezentācija 'Various Inventors and Their Inventions', 5.
  • Prezentācija 'Various Inventors and Their Inventions', 6.
  • Prezentācija 'Various Inventors and Their Inventions', 7.
  • Prezentācija 'Various Inventors and Their Inventions', 8.
  • Prezentācija 'Various Inventors and Their Inventions', 9.
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

When Atlanta banned alcohol consumption in 1885, Pemberton had to change the formula of his French Wine of Coca, omitting the French wine.
He added sugar, citric acid and essential oils of many fruits to the drink, and the original Coca-Cola was created.
It was named for its main ingredients - coca leaves and the kola nut.
Coca-Cola quickly became a very popular soda fountain drink.

Tea bags were invented by Thomas Sullivan around 1908.
Sullivan was a tea and coffee merchant in New York who began packaging tea sample in tiny silk bags, but many customers brewed the tea in them (the tea-filled bag was placed directly into the boiling water where the tea brewed, instead of the traditional way of brewing loose tea in a teapot). Later tea bags were made of thin paper.
