The Southern Bridge
The Southern Bridge is presently the biggest construction project in Latvia and its capital city - Riga
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Project of the Bridge
The task of the bridge is to ensure the traffic flow between the south-western part of Pardaugava and the areas of Riga’s right bank – Latgales and Vidzemes suburbs, Ziemeļu district, without crossing the city centre and thus reducing congestion. The bridge will also allow transit traffic to go around the city centre – in the direction of Jelgava, Bauska, Ogre, Sigulda, Saulkrasti, Vecmligravis and Carnikava. The new bridge will also reduce the traffic flow in Krasta Street and 11 Novembra Embankment, as well as that crossing Salu tilts (the Island Bridge). The traffic capacity of the transit highway “Via Baltica” will also increase.
Work on the development of the Southern Bridge project started in 2002, when the City Development Department of the Riga City Council developed the design task for the route of the Southern Bridge, which would connect Vienibas Gatve on the left bank of the Daugava and the Slavu roundabout on the right bank of the river Daugava.
The chief designer of the bridge sketch design was “Tiltprojekts” Ltd. (Manager - G.Rusinov), but the bridge construction for the so-called strut frame or small guy-wire bridge system was designed by the St. Petersburg Design Institute “Institut Giprostroimost Sankt-Peterburg” (Chief Engineer - I.Koļusev). The development of the bridge architecture and design was entrusted to the design group “Arhitektonika” (Chief Architect I.Lazdins) after an international meeting organised by the Riga City Council concerning the architectural and construction solutions for the Southern Bridge. The guyed bridge system allows the distance between the bridge piers to be considerably increased, thus making the bridge visually much more attractive. …
The Southern bridge will allow to reach destination faster. It certainly greatest project of Latvia. We can thank for it chief engineer - I.Koļusev and chief architect I.Lazdins. And we will hope that the bridge will serve not less than 100 years, and we tax bearers will manage to liquidate a debt in 500 million euro.