Human Trafficking
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
Introduction | 4 | |
1. | What is trafficking human beings? | 5 |
2. | Types of human trafficking | 6 |
2.1. | Trafficking for forced labour | 6 |
2.2. | Sex trafficking | 6 |
2.3. | Trafficking for tissue, cells and organs | 7 |
3. | How is Human trafficking different from human smuggling? | 8 |
4. | Prevention of trafficking in human beings | 9 |
5. | Human Trafficking – the situation in Latvia | 11 |
6. | Statistics about Latvia | 12 |
Conclusions | 14 | |
Key words | 15 | |
List of used liturature and the Internet resources | 16 | |
Apendicies | 17 |
Trafficking in human beings is one of the greatest humanitarian tragedies of our time. The problem of trafficking in human beings has increased significantly on Latvia since the beginning of the nineties. The active fight against the exploitation of humans in the form of forced prostitution, forced labour and the removal of organs only began in the gradually. Trafficking in human beings is deemed to be one of the most profitable illegal activities in the world along with illicit drug trafficking and money laundering.
Continuing globalisation, the development of tourism, growing poverty and marginalization in society, the increasing economic and demographic separation, growing demand for sexual services and cheap labour and offer people sales, what in the world is essential, will not diminish. It is expected that also in Latvia and in human beings operating volumes no decline.
State, local government and non-governmental organizations are all involved in the prevention of human trafficking. The most essential of them are the Ministry of Welfare and The Ministry of the Interior, which, cooperationg with the non-governmental sector, have carried out the training of specialists and informed the public. The International Organization for Migration and RCS”Marta” are especially active in the non-governmental sector, creating several different campaigns and publishing informative materials.
In Latvia the human trafficking prevention and treatment are based on the national police administration chief criminal police organised crime management.
The report theme is human trafficking. This theme author choosed because he wanted to find out what is the crime as well as the level of human trafficking in Latvia, as well as author wanted to supplement this knowledge, because trafficking in women is a serious worldwide problem and a 21st century human rights challenge. The severety of the human trafficking problem in the world is pointed out not only from statistical data in internet, but also from new normative documents the continuous. Report purpose: to explore what is the reason of human trafficking and how to prevent human trafficking. Report tasks: get statistics about human trafficking in recent years.
Koledžas darbs.