Publicēts: 18.02.2025.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 30 vienības
Atsauces: Ir
Laikposms: 2021. - 2025. g.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 1.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 2.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 3.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 4.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 5.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 6.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 7.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 8.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 9.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 10.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 11.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 12.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 13.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 14.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 15.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 16.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 17.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 18.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 19.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 20.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 21.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 22.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 23.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 24.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 25.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 26.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 27.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 28.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 29.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 30.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 31.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 32.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 33.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 34.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 35.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 36.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 37.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 38.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 39.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 40.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 41.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 42.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 43.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 44.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 45.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 46.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 47.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 48.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 49.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 50.
  • Referāts 'Young people's attitude to volunteer's work in Latvia', 51.
Nr. Sadaļas nosaukums  Lpp.
  Introduction    4
1.  Review of the literature    6
1.1.  Volunteerism as it is    6
1.1.1.  Definition and origins    6
1.1.2.  Types of volunteerism    7
1.1.3.  Overall reasons for performing benevolent acts    8
1.2.  Youth volunteerism in the world    10
1.2.1.  Youth volunteerism in the USA    10
1.2.2.  Youth volunteerism in Australia    12
2.  Materials and methodology    15
2.1  Participants.    15
2.2.  Method    16
3.  Results    20
  Conclusion    26
  Bibliography    28
  Appendices    31
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Denizens of the globe encounter various challenges and difficulties all over it such as poverty, diseases, climate-related disasters, namely earthquakes, hurricanes or floods, and other significant obstacles to peace and prosperity all the time. When those are massive issues, it brings home to everyone that no one field or entity is capable of handling these problems on their own – outside aid is immensely vital, that is why volunteerism has remained one of the main pillars of society and its potent force throughout history and it continues to be a crucial tool for directing and promoting development on a worldwide scale nowadays. As António Guterres, United Nations Secretary – General, highlighted, speaking at the Nelson Mandela conference in 2014, “Through volunteerism, we can build a future that is more prosperous, respectful of nature, just, and where no one is left behind” (Ramirez, 2021).…

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