Publicēts: 27.09.2019.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 1.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 2.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 3.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 4.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 5.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 6.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 7.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 8.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 9.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 10.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 11.
  • Prezentācija 'Cultural Revolution', 12.
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Cultural Revolution Comes to an End
Zhou acted to stabilize China by reviving educational system and restoring numerous former officials to power. In 1972, however, Mao suffered a stroke; in the same year, Zhou learned he had cancer. The two leaders threw their support to Deng Xiaoping, a development opposed by the more radical Jiang and her allies, who became known as the Gang of Four. The radicals finally convinced Mao to purge Deng in April 1976, a few months after Zhou’s death, but after Mao died that September, a civil, police and military coalition pushed the Gang of Four out. Deng regained power in 1977, and would maintain control over Chinese government for the next 20 years.

1.5 million people were killed during the Cultural Revolution, and millions of others suffered imprisonment, seizure of property, torture or general humiliation. The Cultural Revolution’s short-term effects may have been felt mainly in China’s cities, but its long-term effects would impact the entire country for decades to come. Mao’s large-scale attack on the party and system he had created would eventually produce a result opposite to what he intended, leading many Chinese to lose faith in their government altogether.

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