Ways to Retain Employees in a Company
Let them make vertical moves
Vertical moves allow workers to stay in the organization, but work in a different position or department
Giving your employee another chance
To be truly effective, reward must be significant:
15% to 20% of base pay.
Marginal rewards less than 10% of base pay-are rarely motivational enough to change behavior
Today I am going to talk about ways to retain employees in a company... My presentation will consist of these 4 main sections.....it will take only five minutes of your time and if you have any questions, please ask them at the end of my presentation..... First of all, just because one employee can complete certain goals or a work with a difficult client doesn't mean everyone can. You have to remember that Every employee is different and you have to understand their style of work, what they are great at, and what they aren't so great at, and adapt to the employee. If you don't, you'll find a decrease in their quality of work, which can lead to workplace unhappiness. Another very important suggestion is to Improve communication: Your employees can't possibly know everything you're thinking or what direction you want to go if you don't share those things on a regular basis. There's no way around it. Furthermore, modern employees do not want to wait for meetings in order to gain updates. Today's worker is social, they want discussions about the future in real-time, and they want to get updates now. Also letting your employees to make vertical moves is a very good way to retain them: If you feel like your employee is going to leave the job, vertical moves may be your last shot at retaining them. Vertical moves allow workers to stay in the organization, but work in a different position or department. For instance, a worker in sales could transfer to marketing since there is some distinct overlap. This means that you give your employees another chance to prove themselves without leaving company MAKE REWARDS MEANINGFUL Another good way to retain workers is to make a reward system If you have run out of options, than the best way to go is to make some kind of a reward program. Researchers have found that to be truly effective, the actual reward must be significant--that is, 15% to 20% of base pay. Other reward programs that provide marginal rewards-that is, less than 10% of base pay-are rarely motivational enough to change behavior and are probably not worth the trouble and expense involved in implementation.