Scottish English
Interjections are rather interesting and characteristic feature of Scottish English, although they are highly colloquial. According to Eagle (2002) some of the common assertive interjections are (n)yod (God), ma certes (my, certainly), deed (indeed), by fegs (by faith, truly), whowe (wow), mynd ye (mind you), atweel (indeed), haud on (stop), wheesht (silence). Some of the commonest interjections of surprise and astonishment are: crivens (Christ defend us), haivers (nonsense), bletheration (nonsense), niver (impossible) (Eagle, 2002).
Idioms are distinctive expressions peculiar to a language whose meaning is not always determinable from their individual words. Scots is especially rich in such expressions and very many of them are rather common in Scottish English as well. See the list of Scottish idioms in the Appendix IX.
This paper was devoted to the main features of the Scottish English. The author, hoping, in such a way, to promote the interest in Scottish English and Scottish culture has briefly looked upon the history and the phonological, lexical and morphological peculiarities of the Scottish English.
As the current status of Scottish English is not very promising, it is important to bring the public attention to these issues and promote the development of Scottish English use. Very many Scots and other originally Scottish English speaking people see Scottish English as language of the lower class, a language of rural areas and believe that Standard British English would ensure higher chances in the labour market and indicate higher social status, therefore regarding Scottish English as useless. However, Scottish English as any form of linguistic expression is a witness of individuality, traditions and heritage that must not be lost.
Course project in Introduction to Varieties of English Aplūkota skotu angļu valodas vēsture un attīstība, fonētiskās, gramatikas un vārdu krājuma īpatnības.