The theme of the course paper is the comparison of the functions of two famous and influential leaders in the world—the monarch of the United Kingdom and the president of the United States. It is an examination of the leaders' real powers and role in the political scene. The purpose of the research is to examine the leaders' national importance, their main powers, their international importance, and to figure out the difference between the monarchy and democracy today. The similarities and differences between the monarchy and the democracy today are shown from the aspect of leader's powers.
Today the monarch of Great Britain is the symbol of unity of the country. His importance includes the performance of the traditional ceremonies and representing the country. All real power and ability to impact the executive, legislative, and the judicial branch is given to the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister also is the main advisor to the monarch and the head of the Parliament. The monarch and the president of the US have a little power in the judiciary branch. Like the monarch the president is responsible for representing the country and joining people in festivities. However, the Constitution gives him the power to influence the main governmental powers; and provides an extra power to veto and to declare war. This is a difference between the position of the president and the monarch the president.
There are many similarities and differences between the functions of these leaders. The monarchy is the exact example of the contradictory nature of the British constitution. In truth, it implies a democratic governing system, because the main powers—legislative, executive, and judicial—are distributed between the House of Commons, the House of Lords, and the monarch (Harvey 9).…
Tas ir mūsdienu Amerikas prezidenta un Anglijas monarha pilnvaru apraksts. Tiek apskatītas tādas nozares kā: līderis kā - valsts galva, demokrātijas garants; līdera loma likumdošanas, izpildvaras un ārlietu jomā, kā arī kara pieteikšanā.