Concept of Stress
There is time when you don‘t know how to do it, and it hurts so much. “Because there‘s so much inside, and…sometimes you are afraid that it‘s so full that it might kill you.” (Time, July 15, 71) Why might it? And what is it actually, that does not help you to relieve your inside and feel free and, thus, not depressed any more? The psychiatrists, the psychologists and plenty of other people call this unavoidable state of mind and body - the stress. By the way, according to the psychiatrist from California, James Smallwood, “the mind and body are one.” He asserts that “we can surgically remove a symptom of illness, which stress definitely is, but if it remains in the mind, it will return to the body.” (Time, July 15, 6) No doubt, it‘s true that stress can affect your life in such a way, that you will scarcely consider yourself as a rather sane person. Anyway, that all comes much later, if you at least once lost a control over yourself and your body.
So, what is the stress? What it comes from? It depends. On how you perceive life in general. Do not believe if someone will tell you that there are such people who are strong enough not to undergo themselves to stress. All do. As “there is no such a person who would not be bombarded with the risks of taking decisions” (Time, July 22, 40), asserts the American psychiatrist Stephen Buchmann. Thus, according to the same person, “everyone should hate most in the world when people do not accept them for the way they are.” (Time, July 22, 42) Isn‘t it so? No? Then maybe the state of constant upset, “feeling like being scapegoat when things go wrong”? (Studying Strategies, 88)-proposes Saly Jones, the patient. You may admit it, you may not, but even the very thought of being indifferent for all those surrounding you, cannot be pleasant.
There is not any particular time of the year when you are stressed out more than normal. Stress comes just at a time when you are trying to confront your life, because no matter how different we are, we are all in a way carrying the same function - struggling for life and striving for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism. Some just take everything too sincerely. “Others”- according to the ancient text found in the Old Saint Paul‘s Church, Baltimore, dated 1692-“distress themselves with imaginings.” (John Soars, 155) But how should they live then when suddenly the dream is shattered? Peacefully? Placidly? Without surrender on good terms with all people? They mistake was that they didn‘t learn to feign affection, otherwise it all might have gone differently. One‘s soul wouldn‘t be mentally ill afterwards. But it couldn‘t have felt other way, could it?
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