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Publicēts: 10.07.2018.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 13 vienības
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

The price of parts and materials provided by suppliers has a major impact on the cost competitiveness of Sony products. Sony therefore expects its suppliers to offer items at highly competitive prices and make a concerted effort to constantly reduce cost.
Sony has a connection to its suppliers through the respective supply chain of each Sony product. Each supply chain must be capable of producing items in a timely, efficient and flexible manner to respond to the changes in customer demands. Sony therefore expects each supplier to be in close contact at all times and to supervise delivery dates enabling it to supply parts and materials in a highly flexible fashion.
Sony and its suppliers, through its products and operating activities, must be able to continuously generate value for the future that customers find appealing. Sony expects its suppliers to formulate a corporate philosophy and implement measures designed to create this value, based on the supplier's own management policy and the guidance outlined above.
In order to further strengthen efforts to establish a responsible supply chain, Sony will expand assessments of its own sites and its suppliers, for example by having primary suppliers request secondary suppliers to comply with the Sony Supply Chain Code of Conduct. Sony remains committed to ongoing efforts to raise awareness, educate, and provide training in order to focus the attention and boost the capacity of Sony employees-likewise for supplier employees engaged in the supply chain-to respond effectively to responsible supply chain issues.

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