The author will inspect the legal definition of principles, substantive and procedural principles of administrative law in this report. The author of this report mostly will be guided by recommendations of the Council of Europe. By having subscribed to the European Convention on Human rights, the Council of Europe member states have agreed to respect certain principles which therefore govern the relationship of their authorities with private persons, including in the branch of administrative law. Those principles have been further refined in several conventions and various recommendations and resolutions which were adopted unanimously by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers and which, thus, reflect the standards applicable in member States in pursuance of their devotion to the Rule of Law as expressed in the Statute of the Organization.
Mentioned above principles are preferred to the term “rules” because the aim of the Council of Europe’s recommendation is not to achieve, by adopting uniform rules, harmonization of the different national laws but rather to promote general recognition, in the law and practice, of certain principles. …