1. Olbaltumvielas ir vienas no svarīgākajām vielām cilvēka ķermenī.
2. Olbaltumvielu funkcijas ir daudz un dažādas.
3. Eksistē aptuveni 20 veidu olbaltumvielu un katram veidam ir sava funkcija.
4. Praktiskajā darbā uzzinājām, ka jo dzeltenāks ir olbaltumvielas šķīdums sajaukts ar NaOH (Nātrija hidroksīdu), CuSO4 (Vara (II) sulfāts), koncentrētu slāpekļskābi HNO3, un amonjaku NH3 H2O, jo vairāk šī viela satur olbaltumvielas.
5. Olbaltumvielas var uzņemt ne tikai no dabiskiem produktiem, bet arī no mākslīgiem.
1. Protein is one of the most important substances in the human body.
2. Protein’s functions are a lot and very different from each other.
3. There are about 20 types of Proteins and each type has their own functions.
4. In the experiment we realized, that the brighter yellow the protein’s dilution is which is mixed with NaOH (Sodium Hydroxide), CuSO4 (Copper (II) sulfate), concentrated HNO3 (Nitric Acid) and NH3 H2O (Ammonia-water), the more the product contains protein. (The brighter-the more it contains protein).
5. A person can intake protein not just from natural products but also from artificial products.