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Methods of Translating Stylistic Devices in J.D.Salinger’...-
Methods of Translating Stylistic Devices in J.D.Salinger’s Novel "Catcher in the Rye"
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
List of abbreviations | 3 | |
Anotācija | 4 | |
Abstract | 5 | |
Introduction | 6 | |
1. | Stylistic Devices | 8 |
2. | Methods of Translating Various Stylistic Devices | 10 |
3. | Concept of Equivalence | 14 |
4. | About the novel | 16 |
5. | Analysis of Translation of Stylistic Devices in J.D. Salinger’s “Catcher in the rye” | 18 |
Conclusion | 25 | |
Bibliography | 27 |
Authors use stylistic devices to gain various effects in their works. Stylistic devices can be challenging for the translator because not only their meaning is important but also their stylistic effect.
Therefore, performing translation of sarcasm, metaphor and idiom as well other stylistic devices requires essential knowledge of the subject. The author of the study paper had consulted various sources that examine and define sarcasm, metaphors and idioms as well as translation methods and concept of equivalence. Study of theoretical literature led to following findings:
1. Stylistic devices can be developed through time and known to the majority of language users, or they can more or less individual, developed for a certain situation or not yet established as stable within the respective language.
2. Sarcasm can be regarded as a situation bound stylistic device, because it highly depends on the situation and the context.
3. Metaphor is transfer of meaning based on similarity or difference.
4. Idiom is a stable word collocation with a partially or fully transferred meaning that cannot be revealed from the meanings of the separate words
5. Strategies are part of the translation process - the choice of translating solutions for a text unit (word, phrase, sentence) i.e. translation methods.
6. Literal translation can be applied when the message of the metaphor can be conveyed in the TL through the same means as in the SL
7. J.D. Salinger’s novel Catcher in the Rye was a very controversial work of literature when it was first published and it is still being discussed for its use of profane language.
Theoretical framework was further used in empirical part where the author analyses translation of stylistic devices in Latvian translation of J.D. Salinger’s novel Catcher in the Rye which was done by Anna Bauga. Novel is narrated by the protagonist Holden Caulfield, sixteen-year-old teenager, who uses sarcasm to mock others and also metaphors and idioms to show his attitude. Therefore their translation should regarded as very important.
The research question of the study paper is ‘Which of the translation methods used for translating stylistic devices in J.D. Salinger’s novel Catcher in the Rye assert equivalent effect?’ After the analysis of translation of stylistic devices author of the study paper concludes that equivalence between the original and the translation in any case will be relative because it is viewed and analysed from subjective point of view. However, methods that provide higher relative equivalence are focusing on using stylistic devices that conveys the same meaning and also has the same stylistic effect; e.g. for the birds – priekš kaķiem.
The research of translation of stylistic devices can be continued by analysing translation of each stylistic device separately and more explicitly. This study paper provides foundation for studying translation of sarcasm, metaphor and idiom.
Abstract Study paper. Methods of Translating Stylistic Devices in J.D. Salinger’ s Novel Catcher in the Rye – Riga. University College of Economics and Culture, 2013, 28 pages. The aim of the study paper is to identify methods used to translate stylistic devices to determine which of them assert equivalence (based in J. D. Salinger’s novel ‘Catcher in the rye’ and its Latvian translation) Following objectives are set to achieve the aim of the study paper: • to study theoretical literature on translation methods • to study theoretical literature on stylistic devices both in English and Latvian • to analyse translation of selected textual material • to draw relevant conclusions The study paper consists of two parts. In the first part the author has studied previous theories on stylistic devices in particular sarcasm, metaphor and idiom and translation methods. The second part is analysis of translation of stylistic devices in J.D. Salinger’s novel Catcher in the Rye. Relevant conclusions are drawn and suggestions are offered at the conclusion of the study paper for further research on translation of stylistic devices. The study paper consists of 28 pages and 21 sources of literature.
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- European Union, International Trade
- False Friends of Translator
- Methods of Translating Stylistic Devices in J.D.Salinger’s Novel "Catcher in the Rye"
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