Iraq is located in Asia. There is living approximately 20 millions of people. Iraq takes 438 317 square kilometers. The main religion in Iraq is Muslims, but there are another Muslims with different traditions, called shits, ibadits, ismailits. The bigger number of conflicts happened, because there are objections between Muslims and those shits, who in fact are Muslims too. For better understanding I can say that there are conflicts between shits and Kurds all the time.
Economical situation is bad in this country. GNP to one person in year is 850 dollars.
The neighbor countries are Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Israel, Jordanian, Turkey and other.
Importance of Middle East countries increased only after Second World War. This increasing promotes those facts: 1. there are big oil resources. Saudi Arabia has 24, 2 % and Kuwait 9, 6 % of all world oil. Middle East countries are bigger oil exporters; 2. Increased Arabian and Islamic countries solidarity – they respected each other opinion; 3. Grew up economical situation, because Middle East countries are bigger oil exporters and of course this economical growing produced higher level of inhabitant’s life too. All those facts as you see produced importance of Middle East countries.…