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Publicēts: 01.10.2012.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Pamatskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
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7. On shift work
I think the hairdresser who has completed at least 5 years - do not leave the job, of course, if he likes the job. Happen to meet the people who have worked as hairdressers, but realized that this work is not for him.
Going to learn on something else that they attract. For example, to go to learn about photographers and so on.
Barber shift is not so easy. Therefore, first, choosing the profession needs a cooling-off, or you really will want it to be.

Already happens in all ways.
Example :
"Maxima" long post secondary school students to take a free practice. The most interesting part, that we as the sellers 'thickly' also comes nascent hairdressers. For behold, they did not like the chosen occupation. In fact, these people were not completely informed. If they have time to be placed in the work every day to wash your hair, not to choose a profession unsuitable.

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