Feeling and Emotions
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
Introduction | 1 | |
Chapter 1 – Theoretical aspects | 2 | |
1.1 | What are emotions | 2 |
1.2 | Types of emotions | 4 |
1.3 | What does the emotional expression depend on | 4 |
1.4 | Changes in organism caused by emotions | 5 |
1.5 | Negative emotions | 6 |
1.6 | How to maintain good mental condition | 6 |
1.7 | What are feelings | 6 |
1.8 | Transforming the Power of the Emotions | 8 |
Chapter 2 – Research part | 8 | |
2.1 | Interview | |
2.2 | Questionnaire | |
Conclusion | ||
Bibliography |
1.1 What are emotions
Emotions are a psychical state. Organism reaction of complexes is characteristic it on the external environment or internal changes. Emotions mirror human needs – exactly these needs are satisfied. Everything that helps to satisfy the noods makes positive omotional feeling.On the other hand everything that prevents it, makes negative omotions.
Emotions help human to orientate around things that happen, helps to evaluate things and phenomens determened from how pleasent or unpleasent, good or bad thay are. It often determines our behaviour.
It is important not to make a mistake when talking about feelings or emotions. Feelings are relatively steady experience, but emotions are like an answer to to a spesific situation. Ofcours feelings and emotions are strongly tied together.
Emotions - together with thoughts, feelings, pictures, ideas – the mind in general was placed within each being so that we are able to be controlled and directed and never stand clear as free individuals – free from consciousness. Imagine yourself not experiencing any emotions within your participation in this world amongst others? Imagine what would happen when you state I desire, need or want nothing? Would anybody or anything be able to control or direct you? When the White Light was placed within each being's basic neurological system as mind consciousness systems (your neurology that directs you), at the same time as a generator (to move you) was placed all emotions. That way you are always feeding consciousness which then in turn feeds the constructs linked to our enslavement (systems, the White Light and global consciousness). What I am stating here specifically is that if you allow yourself to delve into the mind and participate within emotions – you are constantly feeding the mind consciousness system within you, giving this all your power to remain enslaved and controlled by consciousness systems as what you become. When our enslavement occurred the mind consciousness was placed within each being, the construct of emotion as power generator of the mind consciousness was placed to ensure that we are always able to be controlled. Imagine a world without emotions? Imagine for one moment you could stand infinitely without anything moving you and directing you within and as who you are. That is where the human looses each and every time, because they have a dependency on something outside themselves because we are encouraged by emotions, we move through emotions, we direct ourselves through emotions.
Jūtas un emocijas Zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs (ZPD) angļu valodā par tēmu feelings and emotions. Hipotēze ka emocijas va rietekmēt neakarīgi no jūtām. Izmantotas gan tabulas, grafiki un aptauja.
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