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Publicēts: 17.11.2006.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 6 vienības
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

After completion of compulsory basic education (9 years)-four types of Programs are off at general secondary education (grades 1012): a general one or others emphasizing liberal arts and
Social sciences; or mathematics, natural sciences a11d technical subjects; or vocational subjects. Latvian language and literature, first foreign language, second foreign language (minority language ill minority schools),
Mathematics, history, physical education, basics of economics and lCT are compulsory in all programmes. Each type of programmes has its own set of compulsory and optional subjects.

School year lasts 36 weeks (except examination periods) from the beginning of September till the end of May. The total number of study hours in 3 years of general secondary education may vary from 3150 to 3780 (i.e. 30-36 per week) depending on the programme and individual choice of subjects.

To be awarded a certificate of general secondary education (atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību) candidates sit examinations in at least five subjects and pass/fail tests in up to four other subjects. Examinations are taken in: Latvian language, a compulsory subject of the particular progmmme, a subject chosen by school and two subjects chosen by the candidate. Leavers of 4-year vocational secondary education (profesionālā vidējā izglītība) have to pass a qualification examination and 4 centralized compulsory examinations (the same as after general secondary education) in order to receive a diploma on vocational secondary education. Centralized school-leaving examinations serve as a basis for the admission to higher education.

Access to higher (tertiary) education (HE). All holders of .general secondary education certificates and diplomas on vocational secondary education meet the general admission requirements. However, the universities are free to set specific requirements, e.g. to choose which subjects have to been taken at school level to qualify for admission to a particular programme.
Bakalaurs (bachelor) and maģistrs (master) degrees are awarded both in academic and professional BE. Both types of bachelors are eligible for studies in master programmes and both types of masters(including holders of degrees in medicine and dentistry - 6 and 5 years respectively) - in doctoral programmes.
Academic higher education follows academic education standard and is aimed at preparing graduates for research and providing theoretical background for professional activities.
Bachelors degree in a branch of science is awarded after the first cycle of academic studies. Bachelor programmes comprise 120 - 160 credit points (180-240 ECTS) or 4-6 semesters of full-time studies. They include: compulsory part ~50 CP (75 ECTS), optional part ~20 CP (30 ECTS), thesis ~10 CP (I5 ECTS) and some subjects of free choice to earn the rest of necessary CP.

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