E- research is very much a work in progress. The understanding about term “e- research” is quite wide. New approaches are being developed, new fields of study are being envisioned and the platforms for conducting research via software and the Internet are changing. E- research is being used in many science fields and shows many advantages in study process. Different procedures can have different effects on the resulting sample and the right recruitment procedure, with some luck, can yield interestingly large samples for the study.
Internet survey research is not appropriate for all populations and all projects, but for many applications it provides definite advantages, but also shows disadvantages. One of the measures is un- security and software safety. For populations already using the Internet, or for "early adopter" populations, quantitative survey research on the Internet can give faster results at a lower cost than traditional methods. Internet questionnaires can be used to supplement traditional quantitative data collection methods as a way of reducing the overall cost of a project or as the beginning of a migration to all-Internet surveys in the future.
E- research offers huge opportunities for researchers. At the same time user of e-research has to be aware that it is fast- developing area of research methodology.
The future of E- Research:
• Easier data collection and monitoring.