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Conflict Analysis between North Korea and South Korea-
Conflict Analysis between North Korea and South Korea
The two leaders met in Moscow in 1949 when they agreed to provide support technically and financially for the invasion. In addition, Stalin supported Soviet soldiers, some of whom got killed in the invation. Invading another country is a criminal act. Most scholars have also pointed out the case of the invation of Iraq by America and its allies (Rothe & Mullins, 2011).
Structural Violence
The Korean nation and participating allies were hit by resentments during the war, where social structures prevented some groups of the Korean population from accessing basic human rights like education and healthcare. Hunger and poverty are magnificent examples of what is known as “Structural Violence” - physical and psychological harm that results from exploitative and unjust social, political, and economic systems during the war. This can be attributed to the parties of interest during the war (Blum, 2003).
In summary, the Korean War has helped to shape the future of the world in understanding the benefits of staying in a peaceful environment. It also helped improve the technological advancement in the industrial sector. Some of the most profound scholars also affirm that the principle of law and competitive equality and the free markets have had far-reaching consequences to the humans by creating irreducible ends in themselves. War crimes are issues that have to be resolved in a proper manner for a peaceful existence in the future.
Subject Peace Studies Topic North Korea - South Korea Type Research paper Level University Style APA Sources 4 Language English(U.S.) Description Paper 1: Conflict Analysis/Research Paper The purpose of this assignment is to assess students’ understanding of course material and their ability to apply it critically through an analysis of a conflict listed below. This paper needs to be organized around a central argument, which needs to be clearly laid-out in a thesis statement. Students must review and incorporate academic/peer-reviewed sources (minimum of four citations from a minimum of three sources) addressing their chosen conflict, and discuss relevant course concepts/ideas at stake in the conflict—i.e. issues of negative peace (anti-war) or positive peace (social justice). This means students must also contextualize the conflict and analyze it using relevant course material (minimum of four citations from course material). Each draft should be 4-6 pages in length; the final draft must be at least 5 pages (1250 words). This assignment requires three drafts as well as an initial proposal: Your proposal, first and final drafts will be evaluated by your lab instructor. Your second draft will be evaluated by your lab section peers. As in all written assignments, students will be evaluated based on organization/composition, understanding of course material, application of course material, effort, and mechanics/grammar. (See detailed grading rubric below) Additional information about the proposal and paper will be provided by your lab instructor. 225 points total—Proposal (25 pts.), First Draft (50 pts.), Peer Review Draft & Review Participation (50 pts.), Final Draft (100 pts.). Contemporary Conflicts Eligible for Student Research & Analysis: North Korea - South Korea Israel - Palestine United States - Afghanistan NATO Coalitions – ISIS/(ISIL) India – Pakistan North Sudan - South Sudan Additional Guidelines for Conflict Research/Analysis Paper and Proposal Your proposal should consist of three paragraphs. The first paragraph should address the "what" question. That is: What are you setting out to accomplish with this paper? What is the conflict you have chosen to research and analyze? Whom is the conflict between? (Hint: Be sure you’re thinking about and focusing on the CONFLICT itself, not the issue/problem the conflict is over). The second paragraph should address the "why" question. That is: Why is this relevant to peace studies? What course ideas/concepts will you connect with in your analysis? Why these ideas/concepts? The third paragraph should address the "how" question. That is: How do you plan to go about accomplishing this task? How will you acquire the materials and sources required for you to perform your analysis? How are you going to integrate the relevant scholarly literature you acquire from your research? Clearly the first thing you need to do is select a topic/conflict to research and analyze. Selecting one of the conflicts above will make it easier for you to 1) find academic sources about the conflict and 2) use course materials to inform your analysis of the conflict. You should then decide what dimensions and/or aspects of the conflict you want to focus upon in your analysis. Some examples of dimensions/aspects of conflicts you can focus upon include: • Causes and consequences of the conflict. • The role of the state(s). • Role of economic and/or social institutions. • Role of powerful individuals. • Occurrence/extent of either overt or structural violence. • Etc. Basic Outline of Conflict Research/Analysis Paper Following your introductory paragraph(s) (including a clear thesis statement), your paper should begin with a brief historical overview of the conflict, the relevant actors, current status, etc. Here you should be citing relevant scholarly materials you find during your research. You should then transition into a discussion of the dimensions/aspects of the conflict that you have chosen to focus upon. In this section you should be drawing upon, discussing, and citing relevant course materials, as well as scholarly sources. Your discussion of the relevant aspects of the conflict (i.e. this section of the paper) should proceed in a logical/sensible order, including transitions between topics. Your conclusion should address possible resolutions to your conflict, and how ideas/concepts from peace studies might play a role in such a resolution. In this section you should be drawing upon, discussing, and citing relevant course materials. **TIP FOR SUCCESS WITH BOTH RESEARCH PAPERS** Your overriding goal with both research papers is to demonstrate what and how much you are learning in THIS course. There are no exams in this course. The TAs and I have no other way of evaluating your learning and thinking (i.e. your work) besides these writing assignments. If you do not address, discuss and apply ideas, concepts, and materials from THIS course in your papers, we can only conclude that you are neither learning nor working. Think of the empirical topic you select for either paper as a “canvass” or “backdrop” on top of which you will demonstrate everything you are learning in this class. Spacing Double
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