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Comparison of G.Repse's "Ikstites" and N.Iksten's "Virgo ...-
Comparison of G.Repse's "Ikstites" and N.Iksten's "Virgo Studies"
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
2. | Biography of Nora and Gundega | |
3. | Main treats of post realism | |
“Īkstīte” | ||
4. | Ikstīte in G. Repse’s novel and in the fairy tale of H. K. Andersen | |
5. | Structure of G. Repse’s novel | |
6. | Description of every chapter | |
7. | The main characters of the novel | |
8. | Who is Ikstite? | |
9. | The scheme of novel “Īkstīte” | |
“Jaunavas mācība” | ||
10. | Nowadays literature and the reader | |
11. | Structure of the circle | |
12. | Three main women | |
13. | Metaliterature and language in the novel | |
14. | The conclusion of report |
At the beginning I could not choose one book which am I going to write about. There are two interesting books of comparatively young writers – Nora Ikstena and her “Jaunavas mācība” and Gundega Repše and her “Īkstīte”. These two writers in there writing are similiar, but at the same time they both are individual people and their works are different. They live in the 21st century and there are post modernism and post realism in the works of these two writers. It is “metaliterature” – literature about literature and an engagement with all previous texts. It means that a writer takes fragments from different works and puts that all together.
Then I decided to take these both works and compare them. What is similar and what is different. I will write about Nora’s and Gundega’s own life and their literary action. Post realism traits. Then I will try to analyze these two works – “Īkstīte” and “Jaunavas mācība”. Afterwards I will compare them, taken in my mind the other author’s reviews or critics about “Īkstīte” and “Jaunavas mācība”.
Gundega Repše was born in Riga in 1960. She is a writer and an art scientist. She learned in Riga and then worked in many magazines and newspapers as a referent. Her first publication was a story “Kamielis Vecrīgā” in 1979. Her first symposium was “Koncerts maniem draugiem pelnu kastē” in 1987. She is a popular writer now. “Īkstīte” is written in 2000.
Readers have always been atracted to the works of Gundega Repše because of their controversial subject matter and philosophical unity of thought, by the possibility of multiple levels of perception.
Nora Ikstena was born in Riga in 1969. She is a prosaic. She learned in Riga and graduated from University of Latvia Philology faculty. Her first publication was in her student’s age in 1990. In her works everyday problems and trifles get a ritual meaning. Thoughts, emotions and dreams are more depicted than reality in Nora’s works. Love has essential meaning in her prose. “Jaunavas maciba” is written in 2001.
Post realism
Post realism is philosophy direction that aroused in the middle of the 20th century. That is nowadays perception of the world. Post realism is trying to show life more realistic. That direction deals with characteristic traditional attention that describes fate of a concrete person. This person is lonely and wants to find herself. The text is made of existing models. The text that is written by post realism has different genres like a diary, remarks, memoirs, cementers and letters. “Jaunavas mācība” and “Īkstīte” is written in the post realism style.
Postreālisma darbu salīdzinājums. Apraksts par G. Repšes "Īkstīti" un N. Ikstenas "Jaunavas mācību". Kopīgais un atšķirīgais. Beigās norādītas tēzes.
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