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Akcijas un īpašie piedāvājumi 2 Atvērt
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Publicēts: 16.01.2012.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Nr. Sadaļas nosaukums  Lpp.
  Business motivation model    3
  Overview    3
  Overview of BMM Structure    9
  Hypothesis 1    28
  Hypothesis 2    28
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

The results showed that the company had a strong profile with seven of eleven attributes (The Five Factor Model copyright Mullin B 1994) measuring 4 out of 5 on a Likert Scale from (1) Negative to (5) Positive. Three other attributes measured 3 our of 5 with only one scoring 1 out of 5. The results provide validity for the effectiveness of the strategic investment made by the company in Training & Development of the employees.

The Findings demonstrated an overall positive result and considerable commitment was apparent amongst the workforce together with a measure of cynicism, due no doubt to the realities of working in industry in the 90’s. Despite this cynicism there was real evidence of motivated people who were aware that they had a contribution to make to the success of the company but who become frustrated by external factors such as the state of the Defence Industry today, or the realities of geographics.
Clearly what the company had done so far in terms of Training and Development was having a positive effect on the working environment, which would no doubt continue with the implementation of other Development Objectives.
The findings also identified the level of job mobility. The response to employees’ consideration of the importance of their job to the company indicated the perceived level of involvement. The width in variety of reasons given for why people come to work indicated the level of motivation in the workforce.
The evidence relating to Leadership and Management Style of the company demonstrated positive results, particularly in the use of strategic thinking when considering long and medium term objectives and providing participative experiences for employees. Evidence however, showed that further work needed to be done in the area of encouragement to learn and warmth and support.
In order therefore to reinforce a positive working environment, the individual’s perception would be influenced by the Leadership and Management Style he experiences. He needs to see that there are shared values, that he is respected, and that his contribution is valued and to feel that he is involved. He needs to experience a sense of belonging. His perception of the organisation structure should be conducive with the Management Style he is experiencing which, together with the hygiene factors of policies and conditions, should provide him with a complete undistorted picture. Working conditions should be conducive to the environment. Policies and Procedures should complement and be sympathetic to the Leadership and Management Styles. For example, a policy which advocates CONTROL is of no use in a participative, supportive environment.
The creation therefore of an organisation environment which enables and encourages the development of an individual’s potential to the point where internalisation of the company’s objectives become accepted as their own, is one, it is believed, which provides the opportunity to raise the level of awareness of perceptual differences with Management and employees alike.
This will result from a paradigm shift in thinking by redressing the balance of power from profit alone to the importance of PEOPLE and the value of their CONTRIBUTION to the business.

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