Māksla, kultūra un vēsture
Vēsture, kultūra
An Investigation into the Development of the Build Enviro...-
An Investigation into the Development of the Build Environment - Riga
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
2.1. | The History of city formation | 5 |
2.2. | Demographic processes | 5 |
3. | Investigate patterns of growth of your chosen town/city, include how government policy has impacted on growth, with reference to issues outlined in 1 above | 6 |
3.1. | Development of Riga | 6 |
3.2. | The formation of Riga architecture over the centuries | 8 |
5. | CONCLUSION | 19 |
6. | References | 26. |
Pļavnieki is a clear example of the flourishing gap between the good intentions of architects and the careless technical performance of builders with the demise of the Soviet Union. This applies to the road surface, which is often too thin, as well as to the forgotten thermal insulation, questionable plumbing, and sewerage in buildings. Thus, the city of Riga must now invest unnecessary funds in the elimination of the construction blocks of the recent 20 years.
The main goal of the neighborhood development is to create conditions for a balanced socio-economic and spatial policy in the administrative territory of Riga. In Riga, the development of multifunctional local centers subordinated to the existing city center - both existing and new districts should be promoted, thus promoting the strengthening of the identity of residential neighborhoods, supporting territorial balance and improving the living environment. This, in turn, will increase residents' awareness of belonging to their neighborhood, the opportunities it offers, and in the long run, the demand to move to other neighborhoods to receive the necessary services may decrease. (Rukšāne, 2014) - Plans of building Future Riga
It is not proven what led to the emergence of the first cities, but various speculations point to different preconditions that could explain cities' production. One of them is agriculture, which helps to maintain production surpluses and generates economies of scale. It is believed that cities began to form after the Neolithic revolution, with the spread of agriculture. As a result of agricultural development, more food was obtained, which provided more densely populated areas. The process of food production made it possible not only to consume it but also to store and sell it, thus supporting the city's development. (Sociology, 2020) According to cities or urban geography guidelines, cities have two main characteristics - location and situation. The location indicates the city's location, considering physiographic, geological, climatic, and other parameters, such as terrain, rock composition, air temperature, etc. In turn, the situation describes this city's location about other objects or cities, thus positioning its location in space. The situation is described, for example, by different accessibility indicators (distance, time, etc.) or by positioning the city in a socio-economic context. in the room according to appropriate indicators. (Pacione, (2001)) In 1201, the capital of the Republic of Latvia - Riga - was established. It is located on the Daugava River banks, near its entry into the Baltic Sea - the Gulf of Riga. It is the largest administrative and political center in the Baltic States (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia). Riga has a history of more than 800 years. However, a large part of its territory had developed when land use was determined administratively based on regulatory enactments rather than based on economic processes taking place in the city. This situation has had a significant impact on the functional structure of the urban area. Nowadays - in market economy conditions - one of the most important factors that determine the geographical location of the specific functional areas of the territory and the intensity of construction is the differences in real estate prices. (Anon., 1986)
- An Investigation into the Development of the Build Environment - Riga
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