Alternative Ways of English Acquisition
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
Introduction | 3 | |
Abstract | 4 | |
1.1. | Methods of learning foreign languages | 6 |
1.1.2. | The grammar translation method | 6 |
1.1.3. | The direct method | 7 |
1.1.4. | The series method | 8 |
1.1.5. | The oral approach/Situational language teaching | 9 |
1.1.6. | The audio-lingual method | 10 |
1.1.7. | Proprioceptive language learning method | 11 |
1.2. | The reason why students use movies for learning English | 12 |
1.2.1. | Difficulty of using movies as a language teacher | 14 |
1.2.2. | Learning techniques | 15 |
1.2.3. | Things which can be enhanced by watching movies on English | 17 |
CHAPTER 2. | Practical part | 18 |
2.1. | Experiment set up | 18 |
2.2. | Data and comments on the movies watching influence on students’ foreign language skills | 20 |
Conclusions | 29 | |
Bibliography | 30 | |
Appendices | 31 |
Theme: Alternative ways of English acquisition
In recent years using movies for learning English has became much more popular, and by the time there has been made a lot of programs of learning English. There are a lot of experienced companies which specialize in teaching people by this alternative way – Using movies.
For native speakers watching movies in English are a particular thing, but for people who native language isn’t English it is really interesting way of English acquisition. In this research work I want to find out the efficacy of this alternative learning way. There are two main reasons, I feel, why students choose to watch movies in English. Firstly, due to the lack of opportunity to practice English outside the classroom, students seldom have the chance to use the English they have learnt in class. At least, immersing in native and authentic situations itself is a kind of practice or training. The advantages of employing video in learning a language have long been acknowledged. One of the main features of using video as a learning medium is that it allows learners not only to listen but also to see the speakers. Video viewers can use the changes in facial expression, gestures and other paralinguistic information of the participants for a better understanding of the communication process. This is a more dynamic and interesting way of learning than traditional methods.
Aim of research paper is to investigate the influence of watching movies on English acquisition among secondary school students
The main tasks of the work are as following:
To get acquainted with main resources about alternative ways of learning English, especially “watching movies in English”
To clarify the popularity of watching films in English among students of Secondary School No.1
Analyze the information on English acquisition through films watching
Hypothesis: Watching films in English improves English students’ foreign language skills.
The methods used:
Searching and collecting information on the chosen topic
Analysis and comparison of the data
Summarization and generalization of facts
Making inquiries among the peers.
Language education usually takes place at a language school. There are many methods of teaching languages. Some have fallen into relative obscurity and others are widely used; still others have a small following, but offer useful insights.
C. Brumfit (4, 343) says that, the terms "approach", "method" and "technique" are hierarchical concepts. An approach is a set of correlative assumptions about the nature of language and language learning, but does not involve procedure or provide any details about how such assumptions should translate into the classroom setting. Such can be related to second language acquisition theory.
There are three principal views at this level:
1.The structural view treats language as a system of structurally related elements to code meaning (e.g. grammar).
2.The functional view sees language as a vehicle to express or accomplish a certain function, such as requesting something.
3.The interactive view sees language as a vehicle for the creation and maintenance of social relations, focusing on patters of moves, acts, negotiation and interaction found in conversational exchanges. This view has been fairly dominant since the 1980s.…
Šis zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs tika veikts ar mērķi izpētīt alternatīvos angļu valodas apgūšanas paņēmienus, it īpaši filmu izmantošanu kā alternatīvo svešvalodas apgūšanas līdzekli. Lai to izdarīt tika aptaujāti un pārbaudīti 15 skolnieku no 11. klases. Pētnieciskā darba gaitā tika izvirzīta hipotēze, ka filmu skatīšanās oriģinālā tulkojumā (Angļu valodā), uzlabo skolnieku angļu valodas prasmes. Hipotēze tika apstiprināta. Lai apstiprinātu hipotēzi tika izveidoti trīs uzdevumi, pēc kuru rezultātiem tika veikti secinājumi. Tika secināts, ka filmu skatīšanās oriģināl tulkojumā ir labākas nekā latviešu valodā tulkotās un kā to skatīšanās uzlabo skolnieku angļu valodas lietošanas un klausīšanās prasmes.
- Alternative Ways of English Acquisition
- Fight Sport Ways
- Writing Academic Research Papers
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