Loading From Ramps
Loading from ramps is one of the olders methods of loading large logs. Logs are loaded by rolling, pushing or pulling from above or below the vehicle by hand, animal, or tractor power.
Loading With Hydraulic Loaders
Hydraulic loaders are mounted on a mobile rubber-tired or tracked carrier. Loaders on wheeled carriers are usually equipped with outriggers. These are made to handle various sizes of trees and have adjustable grapples.
There are many methods of unloading trucks and trailers, much depends on the circumstances. When unloading into open water, wood is usually end-dumped, side-dumped or pushed off with a bulldozer like pusher. Saw logs, tree lengths, and full trees may be unloaded and stored with a front-end loader, a crane and a grapple.They can also be pushed off onto the ground to be slashed and hauled away or dumped into open water from a landing.