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Publicēts: 19.10.2016.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Pamatskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 2 vienības
Atsauces: Nav
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Cultural regions of Latvia
Cultural regions of Latvia are several areas within Latvia formally recognised as distinct from the rest of the country. While some of these regions are seen purely as culturally distinct, others have historically been parts of different countries and have been used to divide the country for administrative and other purposes. The Constitution of Latvia recognises four distinct regions: Kurzeme, Zemgale, Latgale and Vidzeme.

Semigallia (Zemgale)
Semigallia is a historical region of Latvia, sometimes also including a part of Lithuania. It lies in the middle of the southern part of Latvia. Semigallia is recognized along with Selonia as one region, although sometimes Selonia is perceived as a separate fifth region.
Most of Zemgale plain occupies, unlike other counties which also has uplands and deep river valleys. Here you will find one of the most productive wheat cereal fields in Northern Europe, which for many centuries has provided the region wealth.
Zemgale’s mounds, estates, castles, parks and trees is indicative of the region's rich cultural history, as well as the region makes this an attractive destination for architecture and art lovers.
Worth viewing is the tērvete’s nature park with more than a hundred wooden sculptures made by the Latvian writer Anna's Brigadere's considerable fairy plays motives, especially going to childrens's heart.

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