Reforestation includes the process of planting and establishing a desired forest community on a given site. An important part of reforestation is the selection of an appropriate tree species or forest community to manage
Planning for regeneration begins with the landowner examining the land and then defining the objectives for regeneration and management. Some questions to ask concerning a partial of land include:
1. Do trees on the land need to be harvested first or has the land already been harvested?
2. Has the land been examined to see if the site has been regenerated naturally?
3. Will the present vegetation on the site be detrimental to small trees, by competing for water, sunlight, or nutrients?
4. What is the soil like? Is the site: wet? dry? shallow? deep?
In order to select specific practices for your particular site and answer many of these questions, it is helpful to consult a professional forester, experienced in regeneration!