Compared to the average EU indicators, one can note that healthcare in Latvia has been lagging behind. The low health indicators are directly linked with the social and economic situation in the country, the high level of unemployment, inequality and the large number of people facing social risks. At the same time, when we look at the dynamics of life expectancy between 2004 and 2012, we can note that the projected life expectancy (at birth) in 2012 has increased for both men and women. Indicators of infant mortality have also demonstrated a decrease.
Environment and Energy
Over the past ten years Latvia has invested EU structural fund resources in improving the quality of drinking water and upgrading effluent water plants, in the development of protected natural areas.
Since 2004, by only using EU funds, over €156m have been invested. The impact of the consumer society has increased the amount of produced and buried waste, while air pollution has declined.