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Akcijas un īpašie piedāvājumi 2 Atvērt
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Publicēts: 26.01.2011.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 1 vienības
Atsauces: Ir
Nr. Sadaļas nosaukums  Lpp.
3.1  Criteria for descriptors for Common Reference Levels   
3.2  The Common Reference Levels   
3.3  Presentation of Common Reference Levels   
3.4  Illustrative descriptors   
3.5  Flexibility in a branching approach   
3.6  Content coherence in Common Reference Levels   
3.7  How to read the scales of illustrative descriptors   
3.8  How to use scales of descriptors of language proficiency   
3.9  Proficiency levels and achievment grades   
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

One of the Framework’s aims is to help partners to describe the levels of proficiency required by existing standards;
Ideally a scale of reference levels in a common framework should meet the following four criteria:
Description Issues:
1. context-free;
2. based on theories of language competence,
Measurement Issues:
1. objectively determined;
2. The number of levels adopted should be adequate to show progression in different sectors.

An outline framework of six broad levels gives an adequate coverage of the learning space relevant to European language learners for these purposes:

1. Breakthrough;
2. Waystage;
3. Threshold;
4. Vantage;
5. Effective Operational Proficiency;
6. Mastery.

When one looks at these six levels, sees that they are respectively higher and lower interpretations of the classic division into basic, intermediate and advanced. Also, some of the names given to Council of Europe specifications for levels have proved resistant to translation (e.g. Waystage, Vantage).

precise formulation of the set of common reference points, the wording of the descriptors, will develop over time as the experience of member states and of institutions with related expertise is incorporated into the description;

also desirable that the common reference points are presented in different ways for different purposes:

1. Table 1. The set of proposed Common Reference Levels in single holistic paragraphs: global scale;
2. Table 2 a draft for a self-assessment orientation tool based on the six levels;
3. Table 3 designed to assess spoken performances, focuses on different qualitative aspects of language use.

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