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Akcijas un īpašie piedāvājumi 2 Atvērt
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Publicēts: 28.03.2011.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Canada is known to be the second largest country in the world. Canada is made up of 2 different languages, English and French but usually English.
Canada was found a few centuries ago before they named it Canada. Some of the first people who came here were the Native Canadians which looked like Indians.
They made up a Canadian sport called lacrosse that still exists today. Canada was named on July 1 1867. It's also Canada's birthday and that day is called "Canada Day.“
The tallest tower in the world is the CN Tower in Toronto. It is a famous tower all over the world.
There is a lot of famous people living and born in Canada.
Canada is famous for its Niagara Falls .

CN Tower
Canada is known to be the second largest country in the world. Canada is made up of 2 different languages, English and French but usually English.
Canada was found a few centuries ago before they named it Canada. Some of the first people who came here were the Native Canadians which looked like Indians.
They made up a Canadian sport called lacrosse that still exists today. Canada was named on July 1 1867. It's also Canada's birthday and that day is called "Canada Day.“
The tallest tower in the world is the CN Tower in Toronto. It is a famous tower all over the world.
There is a lot of famous people living and born in Canada.
Canada is famous for its Niagara Falls .

The Sky Pod is presently the highest observation deck in the world. From here, you can see 100-120 km away.
The staircase is intended only for emergency use, and is not open to the public outside three times a year during the charity stair-climbing events.…

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