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Publicēts: 10.02.2021.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Mia Hall: Mia is a teenage girl. She cares deeply and has a great deal of love for her family, and her boyfriend Adam. The one place in which Mia feels most secure is when she is playing her cello and interesting is that the rest of her family loves rock.
Teddy Hall: Mia's little brother. Mia is extremely fond of Teddy, saying he is like her own child. Teddy admires Mia and the two are very close. The relationship between Mia and Teddy is much closer than the average brother-sister relationship.
Kat Hall: Mia's mother. She loves rock music and her family, of whom she is protective and fiercely loyal. Kat struggles to understand her daughter, who is so unlike herself and the rest of the family. She does her best to make Mia feel accepted and loved despite the differences between the two. Although she accepts Mia's differences, she encourages Mia to step out of the box and not be afraid to try new things.
Denny Hall: Mia's father. Denny was in a rock band of his own before he became a father. Though music was extremely important to him, his family was more so, and because of that he finds it easy to move on and "grow up". Mia and her father share a special relationship and find themselves connecting as artists.

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