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Publicēts: 16.03.2007.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

We have now corrected the situation you brought to our attention in your letter dated November 19. Your letter arrived on November 24, and we immediately investigated your concern. We have taken the following action to correct the situation: we send Brindisi Ultra Sable Mascara back to the laboratory, where the experts tested it again and again. As a result, we couldn’t find any component parts, which could cause an allergic reaction for skin. After our laboratory conclusion, we send this mascara to Maybeline laboratory, where the experts couldn’t find allergic components also.

Dear Ms. Maywine:
I am writing you concerning a problem that has arisen from the purchase of one of you cosmetic products on August 16, 1994 at the Frailey's Mainland Mall Store. The item is your Brindisi Ultra Sable Mascara priced at $64.95. The sales girl sold me this mascara, two shades of blush and a jar of Fango masque on this date.
The problem developed shortly after applying this mascara for the first time. Within one hour, my eyelids became puffy and red and began to itch.…

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