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Akcijas un īpašie piedāvājumi 2 Atvērt
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Publicēts: 14.01.2005.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 14 vienības
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

Advertising - There are a variety of definitions, with subtle but important distinctions. While the general public frequently views advertising as encompassing all forms of promotional communication, most advertising practitioners limit it to paid communications conveyed by a mass medium. The latter definition distinguishes advertising from other forms of marketing communication, such as Sales Promotion, Public Relations, and Direct Marketing.
University of Texas web page: http://advertising.utexas.edu/research/terms/
Audience - The number of people or households exposed to a vehicle, without regard to whether they actually saw or heard the material conveyed by that vehicle.
University of Texas web page: http://advertising.utexas.edu/research/terms/
Barter - To exchange goods or services directly without the use of money.
Internet Marketing Dictionary: http://www.marketingterms.com/dictionary/b/
Basic cable service - In the US, it is the programming package delivered on cable systems eligible for regulation by local franchising authorities under 1992 Cable Act, including all local broadcast signals and PEG (public, educational and government) access channels.
Indiantelevision.com: http://www.indiantelevision.com/inforesources/tvglossary/b.htm

Broadband - Capable of handling frequencies greater than those required for high-grade voice communications (higher than 3 to 4 kilohertz).
Glossary of Digital Television Terms: http://www.digitaltelevision.com/dtvbook/glossaryf.shtml
Broadcasting - is the production of programmes (compilation) and initial distribution for reception by the public. As broadcasting shall also be deemed to be the transfer of programmes for distribution between undertakings (companies) in order to ensure their initial distribution for reception by the public. Distribution of information to closed, local audiences in hotels, means of transportation, and individual buildings, as well as the distribution of programmes in several buildings, if the total number of consumers (cable connections) does not exceed 25, shall not be considered broadcasting.
NRTP: http://www.nrtp.lv/en/Law.doc
Cable operator - Company providing access to cable and satellite channels within a given region or area.
TV Glossary: http://www.davidgent.com/Television/TVGlossary.htm
Channel(1) - 1. A digital effects processing path for video. 2. A particular signal path. 3. A portion of the television broadcast spectrum assigned to a particular broadcasting station.
Glossary of Digital Television Terms: http://www.digitaltelevision.com/dtvbook/glossaryf.shtml
Channel (2) - A segment of band width used for one complete communication link.
Indiantelevision.com: http://www.indiantelevision.com/inforesources/tvglossary/c.htm
Coaxial Cable - RG-6 Coaxial cable is required to bring the signal from the dish to the receivers. It also handles the low voltage to power the LNB. …

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