Tourism is one of the world’s most significant industries which has faced rapid growth in last past decades, it is often seen as a main wealth engine for many communities around the world. Tourism growth has contributed money flows in many areas worldwide by attracting enormous numbers of visitors. This causes new employment opportunities and promotes places itself, which leads to infrastructure and regeneration of these places. As a result of tourism development there are constantly new challenges and problems which are affecting directly and indirectly people, including all host communities in the tourism industry. For instance, tourism can create negative impacts on environment such as woodland loss, regeneration which can affect the local culture by destroying their natural environment. As Choi (2005) stated: “tourism contains the seeds of own destruction: tourism can kill tourism, destroying the very environmental attractions which visitors come to location experience” (p. 383). Unfortunately, it lead to the assumption that the end of the environment is the end of tourism. Among the challenges that are faced by communities, it is crucial to understand importance of community based tourism and community engagement in tourism development. Therefore, the aim of this essay is to investigate the importance and challenges related to local participation in tourism development. The goal of this essay will be achieved through analysing the importance of tourism policy and planning, considering importance and challenges of sustainability in tourism development in third world communities. Finally, by examining the role of a community engagement in order to achieve sustainable development in tourism. …
Tourism is one of the world most significant industries which has faced rapid growth in last past decades, it is often seen as a main wealth engine for many communities around the world. Moreover, tourism growth has contributed money flows in many areas worldwide by attracting enormous numbers of visitors. This causes new employment opportunities and promotes places itself, which leads to infrastructure and regeneration of the places. As a result of tourism development there are constantly new challenges and problems which are affecting directly and indirectly people, including all host communities, in the tourism industry.Often in developing countries local communities are represented by their national government, but as it has been stated previously governments have their own agenda in tourism development which is mainly associated with improvement of wealth. Therefore, leaving community interests and perceptions in second place, moreover often negative impacts related to environment or cultural degradation have been completely ignored. It is crucial to understand that in order to achieve more sustainable forms of tourism development, host communities play a vital role in tourism development process.tourism planning process in third world countries tends to exclude community interests and does not motivate community members to be active participants in tourism development process. M Government responsibility is to give priority to the local people by introducing appropriate policies and legislations. Therefore, effective participation from communities requires appropriate training and educational programmes from government side, in order to achieve more sustainable forms of tourism development.
- Development of Rural Tourism in Latvia
Konspekts8 Ģeogrāfija, Vēsture, kultūra, Tūrisms, viesmīlība
Konspekts8 Starptautiskās organizācijas, Tūrisms, viesmīlība
Tu vari jebkuru darbu ātri pievienot savu vēlmju sarakstam. Forši!Development of Rural Tourism in Latvia
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