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Publicēts: 31.08.2021.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

57. Where is your town situated? Daugavpils is a city in south-eastern Latvia, located on the banks of the Daugava River, from which the city gets its name. It is the second-largest city in the country after the capital Riga, which is located some 230 kilometers to its north-west. Daugavpils is located relatively close to Belarus and Lithuania, and some 120 km from the Latvian border with Russia.
58. Do you like your town? Yes, it is my native town and I appreciate it. Especially because of it national and cultural heritage.
59. Where can one eat? There are many places where tourists can eat: Art HUB (classic food, gourmet cousin), Skovorodka (European and East-European cousin), Sokoladna (sweeties), Happy Panda (Chinese cuisine), Arsenals, Cili Pica (pizzas), Cafe Imbir', Gubernators.
60. When was your town founded? 1275 year.
61. Where can one rest? There are many places where tourists can have a rest after long way of road such as Silene Resort & Spa, Park Hotel Latgola, Hotel “Villa Ksenija”, “Sventes Muiža” Hotel, cottages are available for rent. If you prefer active rest, you have great chance to visit and take part in competitions in Daugavpils Tarzan park. You also can go to the cinema, to the restaurants, cafes.
62. What can you say about the nightlife in your town? Daugavpils have quite active nightlife. There are many night clubs where happen parties. These are Taller, Queen, Lotus, One more club, Bastīlija.

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