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Publicēts: 11.11.2014.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: 3 vienības
Atsauces: Nav
Laikposms: 2011. - 2015. g.
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

But quite often the problem arises to fill vacancies for highly skilled labor. In order to prevent unemployment, Ministry of Welfare came up with the idea for the transfer benefits which would support the people who want to work and help them get a job in another village, where is a demand for the skills and abilities. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Economy creating return migration support plan to entice home to work abroad emigrated and increase skilled workers in Latvian. Currently, it is established inter-ministerial working group which is working on new labor market policies. Ministry of Welfare, under the leadership of assessed state employment agency implemented training programs for the unemployed so that they can offer the necessary specialists to market.
All in all, structural unemployment often is permanent; government policies and programs can reduce but not completely eliminated this type of unemployment. It is very important try to make new workplaces in demanded industries, then there will be no such a problem as structural unemployment. But for Latvia, the main goal is to help return the Latvian emigrants nationals who can successfully complement the medium-and high-skilled workers row.

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