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Publicēts: 01.03.2013.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Vidusskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
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Darba fragmentsAizvērt

The responsibilities that are similar are Professional conduct and Legal obligations, because the Professional conduct, as the name explains itself, provides professional attire etc, and to respect Legal obligations the coach has to consider Professional conduct.
Legal obligations also are similar to Health and Safety, because to provide health and safety the coach has to consider legal obligations. Both of these responsibilities include preventing injuries etc.
Communication - Perhaps the single most valuable skill is the ability to convey your thoughts and ideas in such a way as to be easily understood. It is not enough to just present your opinions: you must be able to send effective messages – these are mostly non-verbal signals. Consider the body language of a coach in a variety of scenarios. The main feedback a performer receives in almost every sport is non-verbal body language from their coaches. Talking too much can lead to confusion. The pace, tone and volume of the spoken word will all have a marked effect on participants. The coach who spends most of their time shouting abuse will quickly lose the respect of their participants and will be less likely to be successful. You must also be able to receive incoming messages. This particular skill is concerned with understanding and interpreting the signs and signals of other players, officials, etc. You must also listen to opinions from players regarding tactical decisions, drills in practice or perhaps even concerning opponents. You must also be able to check message reception. Good coaches will question their players and check their understanding. If an instruction is not understood, this is the fault of either the performer lacking concentration or the coach in the quality of the message. One way of ensuring understanding is to ask players to explain a concept in their own words.

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