Pievienot darbus Atzīmētie0
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Akcijas un īpašie piedāvājumi 2 Atvērt
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Publicēts: 31.08.2006.
Valoda: Latīņu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

abbas abbatis : father / abbot.
abbatia : abbey, monastery.
abduco : to lead, or take away / detach, withdraw.
abeo : to go away, retire / depart from life, die.
abeo : to digress / change / vanish, disappear.
abscido : to cut off, to separate, take away.
absconditus : hidden, concealed.
absens, absentis : (adj.) absent, missing, away, gone.
absorbeo : to swallow, gulp down, carry away, engross.
absque : (+ abl.) without.
abstergo : to wipe off, clean away.
absum : to be absent, be away, be missing.
abundans : abundant, overflowing, abounding in.
abundantia : abundance, bounty, plenty
abutor : to make full use of, to abuse.
abutor : to use abusive language / use a word incorrectly.
ac : (atque) : and
accedo : to approach, come near / (things) to be added.
accendo : to kindle, illuminate, inflame.
acceptus : welcome, pleasant, agreeable.
accipio : to consider oneself indebted, receive, learn, take.
accommodo : to adjust, adapt, accommodate oneself.
accusator : accusor, plaintiff.
accuso : to accuse, blame, find fault with.
acer : sharp, keen, eager, severe, fierce.
acerbitas : harshness, bitterness.
acerbus : bitter, gloomy, dark. paciscor : to make an agreement, covenant, pact.
paciscor : to make a bargain or agreement, covenant, deal.
pactum : treaty, pact, contract.
pactum : agreement, contract, covenant, pact.
pactus : agreed-upon, stipulated, betrothed.
paene, pene : nearly, almost.
paganus : countryman, peasant, pagan.
pala : spade, peel for putting bread in the oven.
palam : openly, publicly, (+abl.) in the presence of.
palea : chaff.
pallium : coverlet, mantle, cloak.
palma : palm.
pando : to stretch out, spread out, extent.
panis panis : bread.
par : equal, like.
paratus : prepared, ready, provided, equipped.
paratus : prepared, ready, equipped; (of persons) skilled.
paratus : preparation, fitting out, equipment.
parco : (with dative) to spare, refrain from injuring.
parco : (+inf.: to forbear to), avoid, spare, keep oneself from.
parens parentis : parent.
pareo : (+ dat.) to be obedient to, obey.
paries parietis : wall
parilis : similar, like, equal.
pario : to bear, bring forth, produce / create, make, get.
pariter : equally, in like manner, as well.
paro : to prepare, get ready / se…

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